Do you have frequent flyer miles you would like cashed in for some money? Take advantage of a special offer from Beginning this week, you can redeem some of your miles for cash, and that cash will be deposited right into your paypal account. American Airlines, US Airways, and Aeroplan all teamed up with paypal and to give you cash for your miles.
On American, redeem 24,118 miles for $100. On Aeroplan, redeem 17,734 miles for $100. On US Airways, redeem 120,000 miles (not a typo) for $100. This begs the question, however, is it worth it? My answer is NO. My reasoning for it is this: a domestic roundtrip flight can cost as low as 25,000 miles. Since the average market price for a domestic ticket is $350, you might as well use those miles for a free flight. But, if you are hard up and in need of cash, this is a quick way to put $100 in your pocket.
This is a cool concept though, and just shows how airlines are starting to get creative for ways to redeem points. Now I pose this question to you: Do you think you will ever redeem miles for cash (assuming the price is better), or will you use them on travel related items!? Hit the comments section below for your answers.
120,000 miles for $100?! US Airways is either desperate to not give away free flights or thinks all of their loyal mileage customers are complete idiots. $100 may seem ok, but not when you think about the money spent and flights flown to get to those mileage levels.
ReplyDeletehow could they charge that? seems a little ridiculous. but, not a bad start tho
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't pay 25k for $100 miles.
ReplyDeletePoints are points. $100 isn't worth the tradeoff.
ReplyDeleteIt seems a un fair to redeem so many points for only 100 dollars but if I was going to lose the points because it is the end of the year I would definitely do it.